Dear Bondi Beach,
I just wanted to let you know that I miss you SO much! I've been thinking of you heaps lately as it's been snowing and snowing the last 3 weeks in Finland. I just miss your warmness and happiness all year round! Of course you have bad and rainy days once in a while but you still 'shine' in your beautiness no matter what.
You made me feel special every day. I feel something is missing when I'm without you...
I got some exciting news this week that I might be there sooner I thought, have to tell you about it later. But I'm looking forward to seeing you sooner or later. And that time it'll be for a long time again, I promise.
Take care and say hello to all my friends who you are still treating well, I heard.
Love always xxx ooo
*Girl from Curlewis St who loved sunbathing in South-Bondi and loved watching sunsets in North-Bondi*

Perfect day with you!
Remember you smiling when I took photo from the plane? :)

You are SO beautiful, no matter from which ankle I look at you...
You are always there listening my thoughts...
Nothing is better than You on sunset!
Thank you for sharing this with us! It's good to have something beautiful and dear to cherish in our hearts. Love to have YOU here in darn cold, snowy Finland. I'll cherish that :)