Sunday, 13 February 2011

Cruising around the Caribbean...dreaming.

Ten night Southern Caribbean cruise...Starting point San Juan, Puerto Rico...Visiting the small islands in the beautiful and charmy Caribbean: British Virgin Islands, St. Maarten, St. Lucia, Barbados, Gredada, Aruba, Curacao...mmmm, just thinking of all this makes me wanna wear linen clothes, white sun hat, big sunnies and listen rythms of the sunny and smiley islands. 


Celebrity Cruises does these cruises (and so does many other cruise companies), but if you want some luxury while being on the cruise, choose Celebrity Cruises! As they write on the website: "Celebrity Millennium is more than a ship; she is a special memory waiting to be had." World class restaurants and broadway-style shows and luxury beauty and spa ameneties are calling!

One of my very good friends is working on this ship and I've got an invite to go on the cruise...should I...? But I have already Dubai and Dominican Rebuplic trips booked and planned...I wanna go go go!

Back from daydreaming to the snowy and cold Finland...spring is almost here, I'm hoping.

1 comment:

  1. Was the invite for two? I think you should definitely GO and take some of your very best friends with you :) And how little is enough when exploring the limitless gifts and jewellery of beautiful Mother Earth? I've become a little philosofer I see... ;)
